But just as important as the Auschwitz players themselves, is the MACHINE THAT ENGINEERED AND CARRIED OUT THE PRECURSORS TO THE GENOCIDE.
I have said it once and I will say it again, without the PRECURSORS to the Nazi and Imperial Japanese genocides, these two countries would have simply carried out brutal and extremely heavy handed occupations.
From what I can tell it takes about 10 years of brutality training and hate mongering to produce a country , or a legion of men that are hateful and callous enough to kill en mass in a genocide mode. This is about the amount of time the Nazis and the Imperial Japanese spent grooming their soldiers and their populations to be capable of genocide.
This is what I call the "precursors to genocide."
A normal man or woman will cry and be destroyed by the mere TV image of a fictional murder. As Americans we are de-sensitized to these violent acts, and we almost need them in our media consumption menu to feel fulfilled and normal.
However, this is not a natural state of humanity. A natural human will cry at the sight of a murder, or of a violent act. This instinct has to be trained out of the human animal. To a certain extent this de-sensitization is good, we can't all go around crying at every violent thing we see, and our soldiers can't be full of tears in battle.
But the Nazis and the Imperial Japanese implemented the "precursor elements" to their individual genocides up to 15 years before the events themselves. This is why as a civilization, we need to identify THE PRECURSOR EVENTS TO A GENOCIDE for the purpose of seeing one coming down the road before it arrives.
The Auschwitz album will be telling, however, I am moderately concerned that Anti-Semitic holocaust revisionists may somehow use this as a propaganda tool citing the relaxed poses of the SS. If these relaxed and happy poses of the SS are interpreted to mean they did not witness horror every day, then this will impeach the actual historic facts of the event.
The album is interpreted to mean that these SS were so hateful and so callous that they were able to relax at the end of the day in spite of their crimes, then this will assist history to validate their individual inhumanities. Individual facts surrounding the Holocaust are dangerous to the memory of the murdered because if new facts are discovered that impeach long standing beliefs, then there is a tendency on the part of those wanting to turn away from the awful nature of the holocaust to do so.
For example, if the gas chambers in Auschwitz are not in their original condition, or if they show tampering or re-engineering, it could be hatefully argued that the volume of the murder victims is actually less than the historic maxims.
The fact is that a giant number of persons were murdered by the Japanese and Germans, and whether the publicized numbers are over or under the actual numbers by any percentage doesn't detract from the nature of the crime.
The crime wasn't that only that 4 or 6 million Jews were murdered, or that they died awfully, the crime was also that such a large amount of human destruction was wrought that it will be impossible to absolutely calculate and name the victims and their methods of death and disposal.
There is a man posting on named DAVID COLE JEWISH TRUTH SEEKER.
He has about 100 minutes of youtube footage where he is attempting to subvert the magnitude of the holocaust.
I have watched enough of him to understand that he is neither Jewish, nor a truth seeker. I have a feeling his movies on youtube are sponsored by a country, or entity.His arguments while somewhat well engineered, are clearly not the arguments of a 20 something disenfranchised Jewish homosexual. Which, if he is Jewish, he is likely a queer from what I can tell.
His voice has been replaced by some kind of a robot, which leads me to believe the writers and producers of the David Cole series aren't even able to speak English fluently enough to make a film. David Cole, appears to have olive skin, and dark hair, but his facial features are not distinct enough for him to "look Jewish", if I may be so plebeian. There is nothing classically Ashkenazi or Sephardic about him that I could absolutely discern from the youtube footage.
Another words, he could have rode to Auschwitz on a camel. Or he could have died his blond hair black.
Anyway, the David Cole series is obviously sponsored by either a Nazi or Arabian/Persian anti-Semitic group.
The dialogue and production and organization are far too sophisticated to have been produced by a 20 something angry kid as the film vaguely hints Cole is.
As you know, I am good at constructing and deconstructing arguments. And the arguments made in the David Cole series are very well engineered to attack the validity of the crimes at Auschwitz in the minds of an impressionable audience.
I am only interested in understanding what entity has sponsored "David". I am also interested in understanding the techniques of very polished anti-Semitic holocaust revisionists. David Cole, or Iran, or the American Nazi party, or whoever is actually sponsoring the David Cole series, is obviously comprised of some very clever writers and debaters.
As you know, I am essentially fooled by nothing , or at least very little. But like I said, this kind of hateful revisionism is important because there are a percentage of people who don't think on a very high level, and they are susceptible to having their minds twisted. And they will warp the ideas of their children by imparting "the spirit" of David Cole's message to them, and in some small measure the victims of the third Reich will be injured just a little more in that their memories are revered just a little less.
David Cole bullshit is out there, and he/they/them are the types of people/countries/organizations that would try to misuse/abuse the new Auschwitz Nazi photos for their own benefits.
Michael Miller