Thursday, August 2, 2007


History has attempted to catalog the physical injuries that Adolf Hitler inflicted on the peoples of Eastern and Western Europe (and America also). These things should be remembered regularly to help prevent their future recurrence .

But one injury that Hitler has perpetrated on the modern world, that hasn't been documented is the following political phenomenon.

Hitlers rise to power and vise-like grasp on it, were due in no small part to his skills as a public speaker. Hitler utilized powerful gestures and vocal skills, such as dramatic volume increases and dramatic tonal variances combined with powerful and energetic body language and hand gestures to obtain his followers interest.

Hitler felt passionately about the messages he was conveying to large crowds, and to air wave listeners of the day. His oratory sills or his "oration" was a tool if you will, to mobilize public opinion in favor of his causes.

Obviously his "causes", were mainly the theft of physical property from conquered peoples, and his methods were the en masse deaths of his civilian and military opposition. (many people also died who were not old enough, or young enough to oppose Hitler in any way)

Our modern world remembers Hitler with a pained shudder, as well we should.

However, are there not socio-political issues today that should be passionately spoken of?

Do we not have a need for politicians who are willing to energetically use clever and perhaps forgotten speaking techniques to energize the public?

Politicians of today do not use ultra-powerful oration techniques because they would somehow resemble Adolf Hitler, and their messages would somehow be considered as "fascist" , "radical" , or "racist".

The American public, and for that matter the global public is afraid of a passionate politician or leader. Our global sub-conscious tells us that any man who comes to a podium with a powerful message delivered with skilled and energetic body language is somehow similar to Hitler.

We are currently being injured by this false perception here in America. We desperately need a strong and honest politician to come forth and tell us unpleasant things about ourselves. We desperately need a leader with the speaking and oration skills of Adolf Hitler, but bearing the composite intellectual and moral attributes of Woody Allen, Roberto Benini, Albert Einstein and George Washington , to help us correct our multiple socio-economic mistakes that are currently poisoning our present lives, and our countries future.

There is no perfect race, color or creed here in America. We have positive and dreadful aspects to all of our sects and sub sects.

We need a leader, to come forth and honestly expose our failures to us, regardless of his own personal demographic, and we as a nation, need to be mature enough to listen to his plans for our correction, and not resent him or her just because he is not identical to us individually.

We are in a state of broken democracy here in America, clearly we are more democratic than some other countries, but we are also obviously broken. It will take every gram of oration and speech writing skills an honest man has, to energize us from our defeated coma like conditions, and cause us to come together as a country and address difficult issues whose solutions may be immediately stressful, and insulting, and difficult for all of us to swallow.

Michael Miller

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