Friday, April 17, 2009


The greatest challenge to any modern president of the United States will be to hold the union together without resorting to murder, torture, or other draconian measures.

The United States is confronted with multiple problems ranging from a failing currency, lagging economy, and a gentility vacuum. These problems are a result of the American people being unwilling to intellectually confront complex issues and instead allowing special interest "fiefdoms" to come to power over Washington. These special interest "fiefdoms" have taken advantage of the intellectually lethargic American public and trained the public via clever media campaigns and subversive social engineering programs to be reactionary and impressionable. The vast majority of our population is conditioned to respond in an emotional rather than cerebral way to "artificial issues" placed before us by our politicians in Washington, at the inspiration of the special interest "fiefdoms".

The American public could snap its fingers and fix these problems, but as stated above, most of them are not sophisticated enough to understand what is wrong, much less make corrections.

Small democracies have an easier time managing their federal governments. When politicians serve millions it is harder for the little guy on the street to get his opinion noticed by them.

When citizens are faced with hundreds, or thousands of miles between them and their leaders it is also difficult for them to have their opinions heard.

Ultimately people must begin to ask themselves whether or not they would be better off not being attached to a broken democracy. Freedom loving, intelligent Americans must ultimately decide whether or not they want to be "held back" or "oppressed" by the venom and sloth of those who choose to make substandard choices.

Countries and empires collapse because the central governments fail the people they serve. Populations decide they no longer want to be "yoked" or "stifled" by the mistakes of a broken political machine.

Economically stable and prosperous countries do not collapse. If America begins to feel the pain of a fallen currency, combined with an anemic economy, we must begin to decide whom is to blame.

The ironic, catch 22 of blaming Washington DC is that we as Americans are actually behind the failure of our own system. We can't blame Washington for endless blunders when we elect the same men we find fault with.

What if Texans or Vermontonians want to change their lives for the better? What if the rest of the country decides to remain members of the personality cult of special interest "fiefdoms"?

It may ultimately be the correct decision for some states to go forth by themselves.

This was the cause of the Civil War. The name "civil war" is actually a misnomer. Our country's most devastating war wasn't a "civil war". It was an attempt at succession by the south. This was caused by the impending economic disaster. This same disaster was due to the lifting of tariffs on European textile products that would have destroyed the economy of the south.

The greatest challenge to Obama, or any future president will be to hold our union of states together without resorting to methods perpendicular to the reasons our forefathers embarked on the same union.

The Russians for years have been predicting our demise as a union of states. While it may be true that some of their nay saying may simply be geopoliticly inspired propaganda, they also have identified many serious problems that could become deadly malignancies to our union.

We now have the governor of Texas actually discussing issues about succession. An open discussion by such a prominent man will undoubtedly inspire the same discussion to happen in the general population. This is an important first step for the dissolution of our union.

MikesVacation believes that if our country is correctly run, and our democracy is maintained by a cerebral populace, we are stronger together than separate. Our entire population of 300 million people will be better off standing united.

MikesVacation also believes that Texas and Vermont would likely function better broken off as their own county's if conditions in the United States continue to progress in a negative fashion.

Obama must begin an emergency program to fix the state of broken democracy we now endure. He must begin to imagine conditions that would cause our union to dissolve, and implement their immediate fixture.

America is not on the verge of collapse, Texas is not going to succeed tomorrow, Vermont is not ready to stand alone. However the precursor elements of an American collapse not unlike that of the Soviet Union are in place. These same elements must be negated with education, industry and honest statesmanship.

If our early malignancies are not addressed immediately, Obama, or future another future president will have the choice of passively seeing our country dissolve bit by bit, or of using methods averse to our normal constitutional process to slow or stop the process.,2933,504384,00.html

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