Monday, February 26, 2007


That zundel is a hateful bastard.

Anyone who quotes wartime "red cross" reports to validate their position needs to be in jail.

As you know, the RED CROSS is a SWISS organization and you know the SWISS were "neutral", but in this case"neutral" means they were Hitlers Bankers.

Zundel must be addressed because there is another generation that could be tricked by his lies. It is like the "holocaust debates" that took place in Iran recently.

These things must be logically addressed and not simply just ignored.

People are not just numbers, if you can imagine only 1 murdered man who dies with a broken heart, you will need hours or days to consider his case. But when you imagine 100 of the same, then it becomes almost impossible to correctly empathize with the victims because there isn't time.

Now imagine 1000 of the same, now these "lives" are simply numbers without stories or faces.

The attack against Jews in Germany and Eastern Europe was not the only evil machination of Nazi era Fasism. To deny all of the evil of the Third Reich is to allow for it to not be remembered and thus allow for its replication by later regeimes.

Zundel is obviously wrong to attempt to lessen the memory of those who suffered. But his offense to Germany and Austria and America is not that he is attacking the memory of Jews.

His offense to modern Germany is that he accidently leads a logical reader to understand that all of the destruction of Europe was not simply about the murder of Jews.

A clever reader will ultimately understand that the true nature of fasicm is not persecution of the Jews, but it is about theft and control of assets. It is about forgery and deception and lies.

Anotherwards, the Jewish victims of the Nazis were a giant population group. Their numbers are in the millions. 2,4,6,7,8,10 million. It is impossible to exactly calculate their numbers, and an exact calculation is not important to understand the gravity of the crime.

Zundel tritely recognizes the impossibility of an EXACT or PRECISE body count of Jewish victims of WW2 and he cleverly attempts to invalidate the severity of their suffering by implying that because the "numbers don't precisely match up" that there was no giant episode of muder and suffering called the Holocaust.

Zundel has hatefully collected minutial data about just EXACTLY AND PRECISELY how many jews were murdered, and where and how.

But that isn't why he is in trouble with Germany. Nobody in Germany or America or perhaps Canada wants to discuss the fact that entire industries and financial empires exist today because of WW2 era fasism.

Obviously this facism took a giant toll on Europes jews. That is where Zundel's hateful propaganda makes him famous but his actual tort is the fact that people will now discuss other aspects of German fasism and they will be led by their own intellects to indict those responsible.

Ultimately a clever reader has to imagine that the destruction of Europe was not just about Jews. And then this same reader must imagine the industries and institutions that allowed for the destruction of europe and the jews.

Then the reader must be led to imagine what industries and leaders and empires of modern Germany and America and Europe exist today in spite of and as a result of their wartime efforts.

That is what Germany is upset over, Germany is upset over the hundreds and thousands of Wallbergs and such that survived their crimes and flourished to power. They are upset by BMW and Mercedes and Volkswagon being so deeply embroiled in Nazi germany.

America is obviously upset by our power brokers that got rich from the Nazis, such as IBM who came up with the "inventory control system" that would ultimately be the tattoos on the concentration victims forearms. The Bush family and many other prominent families that have their fortunes stinking of ww2 blood. We are ashamed of all the Belarusian Nazis we brought over knowing their histories.

Ernst Zundel is just a hateful , heartless propaganda monger and conman. He is obviously supported by Neo-Nazi money. I say Neo Nazi money because he is a stone in the shoe of real Nazi's with real Nazi money. He just accidently causes the world to continue to imagine Nazi issues to include financial and industrial asset issues. The only people dumb enough to support him would be skinheads, or Neo/New Nazis.

Zundels lies should be openly discussed and logically discredited. This will not be difficult. And after his lies are discredited, the global public should begin discussions about the true nature of Nazi Fasicsm.

The world should recognize that the Jews of Europe were not hurt by Nazi Fasism itself, they were killed by PRECURSOR elements engeneered into Germany society by the Nazis. These precursor elements were the brutalization of German children in Hitler Youth camps. These precursor elements were the propaganda that de-humanized Jews and Slavs prior to their attack by the Nazi's.

Hate itself isn't deadly. Bigotry is simply a distasteful trait. EFFECTIVE PRECURSOR elements to a genocide must be woven into a society before it is capeable of mass murder or genocide.

It is these precursor elements that must be discussed and identified by a civilized modern world to prevent them from being replicated onto an unsuspecting society for the purpose of enabling another Holocaust or Genocide from taking place.

Michael Miller

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