Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry FESTIVUS, or Happy Festivus, err FESTIVUS!!

Dear Readers,

The editors, writers, and producers of Mike's Vacation (the guy that found the laptop),

Are faithful enjoyers of the "seinfeld" comedy series. One episode describes the homemade Christmas holiday of "festivus".

It seems one of the characters George Castanza has a rather colorful and creative father who invented the holiday of "festivus" to be an every mans Christmas holiday .

Watch the following links, and enjoy "A FESTIVUS FOR THE REST OF US!!"

Folks, while these might not be the most traditional video clips to watch on Christmas, we here/me here at Mike's Vacation believe that if you are actually looking at this blog on Christmas, you are ready for FESTIVUS!!!!!! LOL LOL. :) :)


Mike Miller aka
Mike Castanza,
Mike Pekar,
aka, ho ho ho. :) :)


Remember the micro moments with your loved ones, these micro moments are so easy to rush through, undersell, and forget. However they are indeed, exactly what life is all about. When it is all said and done, all of our money, and time, and health are really just vehicles to help us live innumerable micro moments of technicolor high quality, and vibrance, and hopefully to remember and cherish the same.

1 comment:

Jonathon Russell Driscoll said...

Mike... looks like your blog is dead. But its a good party in Belarus - you should come check it out. Its a great party, and well changed a lot from when you stopped writing.