Saturday, December 15, 2007


Most thoughtful Americans are now shaking their heads in shame and embarrassment when discussing our criminal invasion of Iraq.

Perhaps we are too busy to be organizing massive protests and starting grass roots movements to prosecute and punish our countrymen who are culpable, but we are sharing our shame with friends and loved ones freely and in agreement.

Most of us are ashamed of the rockets and missiles and bullets and bombs that have been thrown at the Iraqis, and the same that have killed and crippled our own soldiers and marines.

Many of us are worried about our international reputation today, and in the years to come.

Some people talk about terrorism being fostered and provoked instead of destroyed.

Most of us are aware of the tangible aspects of the physical and economic and political destruction that has been wrought in this criminal adventure.

What about our nations broken hearts? What about all our soldiers and marines who haven't seen their wives, haven't had the opportunity to hold and love them? What about the pain of our soldiers who have to imagine playing with their children instead of actually feeling and touching them?

What about the divorces and broken homes that will be the result of so many men away from their wives for so long?

What about the kids that will be raised in broken homes because husbands and wives have grown apart from the distance, and time and stress?

What about these same kids that won't have lived in a nuclear family model and will now be more likely to fail at their future marriages because of this same negative familial inertia they are raised in?

I won't even bother to describe the broken hearts of the Iraqi's, decorum in this article doesn't permit me to describe what life must be like in modern Iraq for a little girl without a daddy, or a woman without her husband.

Was any of this pain and misery really worth the luxury of a nation too inebreated in its intellectual sloth to not have stopped all this madness before it happened?

Are we as a nation proud of the fact that a giant percentage of us were seduced by a South Texas accent, an expensive haircut, and a glad handed smile with nothing else to offer.

Are we not tired of being political "serfs, pawns, and slaves" to whatever evil machination has hijacked our military and federal government?

When are we going to develop a national conscious that prevents war criminals from ordering our sons to sack weaker countries for nebulous causes?

When you are watching the news and see explosions, and the physical injuries of war, remember that there are other injuries to this war, wounds harder to photo and graph.

What is the real cost of a broken heart? How many of our countryman's hearts are now broken?

Dear Readers, I hope that Mike's Vacation doesn't attract any readers stupid enough to think that it is OK for our soldiers and marines to be suffering in this war because it is "their duty". I hope that no reader of mine would actually mouth the words "well they signed up for the military understanding the risks". I honestly hope I have nobody that damned dumb reading my blog. In case there are some of you that hear these trite sentiments uttered, please kindly remind the offenders that our soldiers and marines volunteer for duty to serve and protect our country and are willing to give their lives if necessary, however none of them signed up to participate in a "war crime". None of them signed up to defend a patriot act "soured democracy", none of them signed up to defend a constitution amended to oxidize their rights at home to make easier their suffering in a criminal adventure. There is a social contract signed by our government with our soldiers that largely includes the idea that our military will be used for the violent protection of our land and interests. This social contract also provisos that the government will be judicious in is employment of this same violent force and will not allow our sons and brothers in uniform to suffer unnecessarily, or for a criminal and erroneous cause. Our country's "salt of the earth" sons and brothers comprise the bulk of our nations enlisted ranks. These men are raised to have a sense of right and wrong, and of fair play. For this trust to be betrayed, and for the "handshake agreement" that seals the aforementioned "social contract" to be violated is no less than an absolute outrage.

Mike Miller

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