Saturday, May 5, 2007

Cuba! The Land of Hemmingway, and Castro

I am proud to recommend to you a web page called CUBAMIGO. For those of you that are not used to Spanish, this name translates to CUBA-FRIEND. This is a wonderful web page with many great photos. There is a very good explanation of the cost of living, to include the wage per month for the common Cuban workers. This cost of living explanation includes explanations for food cost, health care and education. I have been arguing for years that it is likely the people of Cuba have a very tenable situation with Castro as their president, and the information contained in this web page validates my opinion.

To be fair, I have never been to Cuba, yet. I would like to go there and see for myself just exactly what is fact, and what is fiction. But that is on my things to do list, sadly behind pay rent and survive.

This is a great web page for anyone interested in the quality of life in modern Cuba, as well as some very credible small scale discussions of some complex socio-economic issues.

Please see this great web page and enjoy!


Henry Louis Gomez said...

What do you think is fiction? Did you have to travel to South Africa to know Apartheid existed? Did you need a time machine to travel back to the civil war to know slavery existed. Cuba is a totalitarian country where the people are literally dying to get out. Spending money there is like giving it to Charles Manson.

Mike said...

Henry, you should think about what you just said for a minute. You referenced South Africa, and the slavery of the old south.

I have never been to Cuba. However, from everything I have read, Castro's modern Cuba exists specificly to protect the Cuban people from horrors that were analagous to those sufferred under apartheid and slavery.

Namly, the Cuban people enjoy a literacy rate that is higher than most other latin American countries. They have a functioning medical aparatus. Their country is very safe compared to America.

The Bautista regeime that Castro toppled was far more similar to the apartheid and slavery you have referenced.

The very rich of Cuba were dissapointed with the asset re-dispersement plan that followed socialism. However, if you consider the fact that the majority of the Cuban people were not rich, this minority cried loudly when their businesses were taken by the state. It is understandable that they would do so.

As far as slavery and apartheid goes, you should remember that the Afro-Cubans enjoy a far greater equality in Cuba, than our African-Americans enjoy here.

The Cuban Diaspora in America enjoys a giant amount of influence partly based on their numbers, and partly based upon the fact that they are enemies of "our enemy" which is Castro. (Castro is not my enemy)

Henry, have you ever noticed that it is OK for any any brutal dictator to be in power anywhere in the world as long as his presence benefits whatever crooked foreign policy plan that washington dreams up?

Have you noticed that during the 1980's over 80 thousand citizens of El Salvador were violently killed and terribly brutalized with the assistance and oversight of our own John Negroponte?

There was no embargo for those death squads in El Salvador that got their kicks cutting the breasts off of peasant women so their babies would starve to death. This was as a reprisal for suppossed collaboration with partisans/gurillas.

I am glad that you and many of your fellow Cubans have "made it" financially in Florida.

However, remember that the only reason Cubans are allowed to stay in America when they arrive by boat is because they are coming from a "communist" country.

Mexicans, Hatians, and just about any other Latina that arrive illegally here in America don't receive such a cushy welcome.

Henry, would you rather be born a "random" infant in Hati or Cuba?

How about El Salvador or Cuba?

How about Mexico or Cuba?

If you really think about the quality of life enjoyed by the citizens of modern cuba, you might agree that their quality of life is much better than some, and maybe not as good as others.

For example, the citizens of Costa Rica proably have a better quality of life than citizens of Cuba.

But remember also that the CIA tried to start a revolution in Costa Rica in the 80's because the goernment there was "socialist" .

You can have your opinions about modern Cuba, you are clearly entitiled to that, but I would encourage you to think a little bit out of the box, and maybe give my essay about DALT a look.

Thank you for being a reader, and than you for your comments.

Sincerly, Michael Miller